I organize weddings
that reflect your soul

I organize weddings
that reflect your soul

I organize weddings
that reflect your soul

I organize weddings
that reflect your soul

I organize weddings
that reflect
your soul

Wedding Planner Gdańsk

Wedding Planner Gdańsk

Wedding Planner Gdańsk

Wedding Planner Gdańsk

Wedding Planner Gdańsk

Wedding Planner Gdańsk

Moim głównym celem jest pokazanie Wam, Parom Młodym, że możecie przejść
przez organizację ślubu i wesela bez stresu i podążając za marzeniami.

My main goal is to show you, the bridal couples, that you can go through the organization of your wedding ceremony and wedding reception with ease and following your dreams.

My main goal is to show you, the bridal couples, that you can go through the organization of your wedding ceremony and wedding reception with ease and following your dreams.

My main goal is to show you, the bridal couples, that you can go through the organization of your wedding ceremony and wedding reception with ease and following your dreams.

My main goal is to show you, the bridal couples, that you can go through the organization of your wedding ceremony and wedding reception with ease and following your dreams.

My main goal is to show you, the bridal couples, that you can go through the organization of your wedding ceremony and wedding reception with ease and following your dreams.

Are you busy and have little free time or just want to relax after work?

Or maybe you don't like to plan and organize anything because you are overwhelmed by the stress?

Or you live abroad and need a specialist who will organize your wedding in Poland?

Then you couldn't have come to a better place!

Are you busy and have little free time
or just want to relax after work?

Or maybe you don't like to plan and organize anything because you are overwhelmed by the stress involved?

Or you live abroad and need a specialist who will organize your wedding in Poland?

Then you couldn't have come to a better place!

Are you busy and have little free time or just want to relax after work?

Or maybe you don't like to plan and organize anything because you are overwhelmed by the stress?

Or you live abroad and need a specialist who will organize your wedding in Poland?

Then you couldn't have come to a better place!

Are you busy and have little free time or just want to relax after work?

Or maybe you don't like to plan and organize anything because you are overwhelmed by the stress involved?

Or you live abroad and need a specialist who will organize your wedding in Poland?

Then you couldn't have come to a better place!

Are you busy and have little free time or just want to relax after work?

Or maybe you don't like to plan and organize anything because you are overwhelmed by the stress involved?

Or you live abroad and need a specialist who will organize your wedding in Poland?

Then you couldn't have come to a better place!

I am here to show you the way,
but the final decision is always yours.

I am here to show you the way,
but the final decision is always yours.

Organizacja wesel pomorskie

I am here to show you the way,
but the final decision is always yours.

I am here to show you the way,
but the final decision is always yours.

I am here to show you the way, but the final decision is always yours.

Whether you would like a traditional or unconventional wedding, together we will certainly find the best solutions for you. I would like to show you the sea of possibilities tailored to your needs. Sea the Future Weddings is a world where your dreams will be recognized and I will give you suggestions on how to make them come true. If you don't want your wedding day to be an exhausting race against the clock but pure pleasure and fun, you can count on me to show you how to make it happen.

I organize weddings in Gdańsk, as well as in the Tri-City area and the entire Pomeranian Voivodeship.

Whether you would like a traditional or unconventional wedding, together we will certainly find the best solutions for you. I would like to show you the sea of possibilities tailored to your needs. Sea the Future Weddings is a world where your dreams will be recognized and I will give you suggestions on how to make them come true. If you don't want your wedding day to be an exhausting race against the clock but pure pleasure and fun, you can count on me to show you how to make it happen.

I organize weddings in Gdańsk, as well as in the
Tri-City area and the entire Pomeranian Voivodeship.

Whether you would like a traditional or unconventional wedding, together we will certainly find the best solutions for you. I would like to show you the sea of possibilities tailored to your needs. Sea the Future Weddings is a world where your dreams will be recognized and I will give you suggestions on how to make them come true. If you don't want your wedding day to be an exhausting race against the clock but pure pleasure and fun, you can count on me to show you how to make it happen.

I organize weddings in Gdańsk, as well as in the Tri-City area and the entire Pomeranian Voivodeship.

Whether you would like a traditional or unconventional wedding, together we will certainly find the best solutions for you. I would like to show you the sea of possibilities tailored to your needs. Sea the Future Weddings is a world where your dreams will be recognized and I will give you suggestions on how to make them come true. If you don't want your wedding day to be an exhausting race against the clock but pure pleasure and fun, you can count on me to show you how to make it happen.

I organize weddings in Gdańsk, as well as in the
Tri-City area and the entire Pomeranian Voivodeship.

Whether you would like a traditional or unconventional wedding, together we will certainly find the best solutions for you. I would like to show you the sea of possibilities tailored to your needs. Sea the Future Weddings is a world where your dreams will be recognized and I will give you suggestions on how to make them come true. If you don't want your wedding day to be an exhausting race against the clock but pure pleasure and fun, you can count on me to show you how to make it happen.

I organize weddings in Gdańsk, as well as in the Tri-City area and the entire Pomeranian Voivodeship.

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Nazywam się Klaudia Drywa i jestem tu po to, by wesprzeć Was w zaplanowaniu niezapomnianego dnia ślubu. Doskonale wiem ile prywatnego czasu, cierpliwości i zaangażowania wymaga organizacja ślubu
i wesela. Jestem pewna,
że moje doświadczenie, wiedza i pasja pomogą urzeczywistnić Waszą wizję ślubu, która kiełkowała w Waszych głowach już od jakiegoś czasu.




My name is Klaudia Drywa and I am here to support you in planning your unforgettable wedding day. I know very well how much private time, patience and commitment it takes to organize a wedding. I am sure that my experience, knowledge and passion will help to make the vision of your wedding, which has been sprouting in your heads for some time now, come true.

My name is Klaudia Drywa and I am here to support you in planning your unforgettable wedding day.
I know very well how much private time, patience and commitment it takes to organize a wedding. I am sure that my experience, knowledge and passion will help to make the vision of your wedding, which has been sprouting in your heads for some time now, come true.






My name is Klaudia Drywa and I am here to support you in planning your unforgettable wedding day. I know very well how much private time, patience and commitment it takes to organize a wedding. I am sure that my experience, knowledge and passion will help to make the vision of your wedding, which has been sprouting in your heads for some time now, come true.

My name is Klaudia Drywa and I am here to support you in planning your unforgettable wedding day.
I know very well how much private time, patience and commitment it takes to organize a wedding. I am sure that my experience, knowledge and passion will help to make the vision of your wedding, which has been sprouting in your heads for some time now, come true.

My name is Klaudia Drywa and I am here to support you in planning your unforgettable wedding day. I know very well how much private time, patience and commitment it takes to organize a wedding. I am sure that my experience, knowledge and passion will help to make the vision of your wedding, which has been sprouting in your heads for some time now, come true.


My values and working style

My values and working style

Moje wartości
i styl pracy

My values and working style

My values and working style

My values and working style

Moje wartości
i styl pracy

Depending on your needs, I present you modern and creative solutions or those traditional and familiar to everyone. I believe that diversity and individuality is a beauty in itself, so I will take care of you with respect for differences and your desires. I will also support you in making difficult decisions that often arise from complex family situations. We will find a way for everything together.

Depending on your needs, I present you modern and creative solutions or those traditional and familiar to everyone. I believe that diversity and individuality is a beauty in itself, so I will take care of you with respect for differences and your desires. I will also support you in making difficult decisions that often arise from complex family situations. We will find a way for everything together.

Depending on your needs, I present you modern and creative solutions or those traditional and familiar to everyone. I believe that diversity and individuality is a beauty in itself, so I will take care of you with respect for differences and your desires. I will also support you in making difficult decisions that often arise from complex family situations. We will find a way for everything together.

Depending on your needs, I present you modern and creative solutions or those traditional and familiar to everyone. I believe that diversity and individuality is a beauty in itself, so I will take care of you with respect for differences and your desires. I will also support you in making difficult decisions that often arise from complex family situations. We will find a way for everything together.

Depending on your needs,
I present you modern and creative solutions or those traditional and familiar to everyone. I believe that diversity and individuality is
a beauty in itself, so I will take care of you with respect for differences and your desires.
I will also support you in making difficult decisions that often arise from complex family situations. We will find a way for everything together.


Our cooperation step by step

Our cooperation step by step

Nasza współpraca krok po kroku

Our cooperation step by step

Personalization of the wedding offer for you is crucial for me due to the fact that every wedding is different and every bridal couple have different expectations, dreams and possibilities. I can support you with the complete organization of the wedding ceremony and wedding reception, its partial organization or the coordination of wedding ceremony and wedding reception. However, I don’t use a rigid scope of these services - we create it together at our first meeting, whether online or in person.

Personalization of the wedding offer for you is crucial for me due to the fact that every wedding is different and every bridal couple have different expectations, dreams and possibilities. I can support you with the complete organization of the wedding ceremony and wedding reception, its partial organization or the coordination of wedding ceremony and wedding reception. However, I don’t use a rigid scope of these services - we create it together at our first meeting, whether online or in person.

Personalization of the wedding offer for you is crucial for me due to the fact that every wedding is different and every bridal couple have different expectations, dreams and possibilities. I can support you with the complete organization of the wedding ceremony and wedding reception, its partial organization or the coordination of wedding ceremony and wedding reception. However, I don’t use a rigid scope of these services - we create it together at our first meeting, whether online or in person.


Nasza współpraca
krok po kroku

Nasza współpraca krok po kroku

Personalizacja oferty ślubnej dla Was jest dla mnie kluczowa ze względu na to,
że każdy ślub i wesele jest inne oraz każda Para Młoda ma inne oczekiwania, marzenia i możliwości.
Mogę Was wesprzeć w zakresie kompleksowej organizacji ślubu i wesela,
jej częściowej organizacji lub koordynacji ślubu i wesela. Nie posługuję się jednak sztywnym zakresem tych usług - tworzymy go razem na naszym pierwszym spotkaniu, czy to online,
czy na żywo.

Our cooperation step by step

Our cooperation
step by step

Personalization of the wedding offer for you is crucial for me due to the fact that every wedding is different and every bridal couple have different expectations, dreams and possibilities. I can support you with the complete organization of the wedding ceremony and wedding reception, its partial organization or the coordination of wedding ceremony and wedding reception. However, I don’t use a rigid scope of these services - we create it together at our first meeting, whether online or in person.

Personalization of the wedding offer for you is crucial for me due to the fact that every wedding is different and every bridal couple have different expectations, dreams and possibilities. I can support you with the complete organization of the wedding ceremony and wedding reception, its partial organization or the coordination of wedding ceremony and wedding reception. However, I don’t use a rigid scope of these services - we create it together at our first meeting, whether online or in person.


Think of a wedding planner as a specialist you hire just like
an interior designer after buying a house
or like a personal trainer at the gym.

The only difference is that
the wedding day happens only once
so it's worth having everything organized to the last detail.

Think of a wedding planner as a specialist you hire just like
an interior designer after buying a house
or like a personal trainer at the gym.

The only difference is that
the wedding day happens only once
so it's worth having everything organized to the last detail.

Kreatywność i wrażliwość rozbudziłam w sobie już jako dziecko,
kiedy zaczęłam chodzić na zajęcia taneczne

Think of a wedding planner as a specialist you hire just like
an interior designer after buying a house
or like a personal trainer at the gym.

The only difference is that
the wedding day happens only once
so it's worth having everything organized to the last detail.

Think of a wedding planner as a specialist you hire just like
an interior designer after buying a house
or like a personal trainer at the gym.

The only difference is that
the wedding day happens only once
so it's worth having everything organized to the last detail.

Think of a wedding planner as a specialist you hire just like
an interior designer after buying a house
or like a personal trainer at the gym.

The only difference is that
the wedding day happens only once
so it's worth having everything organized to the last detail.

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Copyright © 2022-2025 Klaudia Drywa - Sea The Future Weddings