Meet me
I am a certified wedding planner

For the first 4 years I gained experience in one of the leading wedding agencies in Greater Poland Voivodeship, where I worked under the guidance of an experienced wedding consultant, organizing and coordinating international wedding ceremonies and wedding receptions. Thanks to her, I have spread my wings and then decided to return to the seaside, where I come from, to open my own wedding planning agency.

In addition, in the meantime I have gained experience in the hotel industry in the field of event organization,

so I know what preparing a wedding looks like from the other side and what pay extra attention to when working with the venue. I speak English and Spanish, so I am open to both Polish and international bridal couples.

In addition, in the meantime I have gained experience in the hotel industry in the field of event organization,

so I know what preparing a wedding looks like from the other side and what pay extra attention to when working with the venue. I speak English and Spanish, so I am open to both Polish and international bridal couples.

Discovering a passion for creating weddings is a direct result of my personality.

I have always enjoyed planning and organization, such as travel. I love colour-coded charts and schedules, which easily puts me in control of wedding confusion. I pay a lot of attention to detail, so on your wedding day you will probably see me, for example, making sure the water vase for the bridal bouquet is already waiting in the preparation room.

I developed my creativity and sensitivity as a child
when I started taking dance classes

These are key qualities in my work when I design for you a project of the wedding scenery that responds to your dreams and reflects your style. Enabling you to imagine your wedding day in detail is important to me because I want to show you that it is possible to plan it in harmony with yourself, without blindly following trends only.

Od zawsze jestem ciekawa świata i uwielbiam kulturę Hiszpanii,

więc studia z Iberystyki oraz Turystyki i Rekreacji były dla mnie oczywistym wyborem. Pozytywne nastawienie do życia, otwartość oraz ekspresja Hiszpanów są mi bardzo bliskie. Co więcej, wychowałam się nad morzem, w pełnej lasów i klifów Gdyni, co sprawiło, że pokochałam naturę i nie mogę bez niej żyć.

Łącząc te dwie fascynacje mogę bez wahania powiedzieć, że najbliższe mojemu sercu są śluby i wesela w szeroko pojętym stylu boho i duchu slow. Zależy mi abyście mogli skupić się na niczym innym, jak tylko na spokojnym przeżywaniu tych pięknych chwil z najbliższymi, a ja zadbam o wysoki standard i całą otoczkę.

I have always been curious about the world and loved the culture of Spain,

so studying Iberian Studies and also Tourism and Recreation was an obvious choice for me. The positive attitude to life, openness and expressiveness of the Spanish people are very close to my heart. What's more, I grew up by the sea, in Gdynia, a city full of forests and cliffs. It made me love nature and now I can’t live without it.

Combining these two fascinations, I can say without hesitation that wedding ceremonies and wedding receptions in the boho style and slow spirit are the closest to my heart. I want you to be able to focus on nothing else but peacefully experiencing these beautiful moments with your loved ones, while I take care of the high standard and all the surroundings.

I have always been curious about the world and loved the culture of Spain,

so studying Iberian Studies and also Tourism and Recreation was an obvious choice for me. The positive attitude to life, openness and expressiveness of the Spanish people are very close to my heart. What's more, I grew up by the sea, in Gdynia, a city full of forests and cliffs. It made me love nature and now I can’t live without it.

Combining these two fascinations, I can say without hesitation that wedding ceremonies and wedding receptions in the boho style and slow spirit are the closest to my heart. I want you to be able to focus on nothing else but peacefully experiencing these beautiful moments with your loved ones, while I take care of the high standard and all the surroundings.

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Do you have questions or want to make an appointment?

Go ahead and give me a call or send me a message
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